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Small Blessings Christian Preschool

Small Blessings Christian Preschool ignites the love of learning in every child.  Our developmentally appropriate environment encourages children to explore and experiment, create and construct, form friendships and imagine a world of their own.  Our joyful and respectful interactions embolden positive relationships between children, teachers, families and the community,  while sharing God’s light and love.

About Us

      Our most important job is to provide a safe and loving environment where children ages 3 to 5 can learn to enjoy time with new friends and teachers away from home.  We focus on designing an engaging and developmentally appropriate learning environment for children to explore as they play.  By recognizing the needs of each individual child and family, we are able to focus our energies in ways that best serve the growth of each child.   Our theme-based curriculum focuses on the skills that are most important for preschool-aged children to develop.  Using the Nevada Early Learning Guidelines and the Nevada Pre-Kindergarten standards, we help children develop confidence in language and literacy, math, science, social-emotional development, social studies, creative expression, physical development and health education.


About Us

Our Team






Our Team

Registration Information

2018/19 - children must turn 3 before 9-30-18
Our classes serve children ages 3 to 5 years old in a multi-age classroom.  We operate on a school year calendar which roughly follows the same calendar as the Carson City School District.    Classes will start on August 27, 2018 and run through May of 2019. 
We opened registration on February 20 and are currently full for the 2018/19 school year.  If you would like to add your child to our wait list for 2018-19, please fill out this form.
​2019/20 - children must turn 3 before 9-30-19
Important dates:
Monday, March 4, 2019 - Registration opens to: 1) members of Carson City FUMC, 2) families with children currently enrolled at Small Blessings and 3) families with other children (in their immediate family) who have been previously enrolled at Small Blessings.
Monday, March 18, 2019 - Registration opens to everyone!

Interested in enrolling for 2019/20?

  • Children born before September 30, 2016 are eligible for enrollment.

  • There is a $75.00 annual non-refundable registration fee, due at the time of enrollment.

  • Tuition is paid a month in advance and due on the 15th.

  • Due to Nevada State Licensing requirements, ALL CHILDREN MUST BE FULLY POTTY TRAINED.


Current tuition rates - subject to change


Morning Classes meet from 8:30 to 11:30 am

Afternoon Classes meet from 12:30 to 3:30 pm

We do not offer a full day program.

  • 2 days per week = $140 per month

  • 3 days per week = $200 per month

  • 4 days per week = $265 per month

  • 5 days per week = $325 per month




2017-18 Calendar

Snacks & Supplies

Parent Handbook

Health Statement

Parent Portal



Tel. 775-884-1600

Fax. 775-882-5742

212 N. Division Street, 
Carson City, NV 89703





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