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Special Rally Day Offering

Between now and Rally Day, please consider bringing supplies for UMCOR School Kits or Health Kits.  Supplies will be used in a special children’s offering on Rally Day, then assembled by the UMW for UMCOR, or distributed to families of FUMC who need a little help preparing for school this year.

School bags are being sewn as you read this!
Now is the time to buy school supplies and Walmart has good prices on these items.
The dollar stores also have good prices on rulers and pencil sharpeners.

If you would prefer to give money, make  a check out to

United Methodist Women.
It will be used for the shipping;
 we must send one dollar for each kit we send.  

Thank you for whatever you can do to help.

Download a printable shopping list


Church: 412 W. Musser St.  Carson City, NV  89703

Office:  400 W. King St.  Suite 100  Carson City, NV  89703.  ph. 775-882-1436  fx.  775-882-5742

Small Blessings Preschool:  212 N. Division St.  Carson City, NV  89703  ph. 775-884-1600

© 2015 Carson City First United Methodist Church 

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